What Does a Women and Baby Experience During 9 Months of Pregnancy

9 Months, nine Symptoms: What Pregnancy Actually Feels Similar

A pregnant woman sits on a hillside near a city.
(Image credit: <a href='http://www.shutterstock.com/motion picture.mhtml?id=104766443'>Pregnancy photo</a> via Shutterstock)

If y'all've never been through information technology before — or if you're a human and thus allowed — it's hard to imagine what it feels like to be pregnant. But the urge to know is clearly strong. Witness the Mommy Tummy, a Japanese invention released in 2011 that uses balloons and a water pump to simulate pregnancy for men.

The Mommy Breadbasket takes pregnancy from nil to nine months in a mere two minutes, which may not seem quite fair to women who spend the better office of a year in gestation fashion. Perchance the hosts of the Dutch television set show "Guinea Pigs" fabricated a more valiant effort: In Jan, Dennis Tempest and Valerio Zeno hooked themselves up to electrodes to simulate the pain of labor over a two-hour period. In 2009, an Australian Goggle box host, likewise a human, pulled a similar stunt.

Simply if you're not quite game to claw your partner up to electrodes simply yet, send him hither instead. We've nerveless responses from women describing everything from morn sickness, to what contractions feel similar, to lesser-known symptoms like twinging ligaments. Read on for what pregnancy feels like, and why it feels that mode.

ane. What morn sickness feels like:

How many flick heroines have realized they're pregnant after an unexplained tour of vomiting? Morn sickness is a archetype pregnancy symptom — though it usually starts around the 6th week of pregnancy, by which time a woman has likely already missed a menstrual flow and realized something might be going on. (Also, morning sickness is not ever accompanied by airsickness, nor is it limited to the morning.)

Maybe morn sickness gets its Hollywood cachet from the fact that information technology's easy to place with. "It was similar existence hung over, without the fun the night earlier," said Kelly Nelson, a publicist in Vail, Co., who is meaning with her first baby. "And information technology was almost constant."

Forenoon sickness is likely caused by rapidly changing hormonal levels, particularly a hormone called HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin. HCG levels increase rapidly in early pregnancy and play a role in the signaling chain that causes the hormone progesterone to spike, which in turn makes the uterus a welcoming, blood-rich identify for a fertilized egg to burrow.

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In early pregnancy, HCG levels are "supposed to basically double every two to three days," said Terry Hoffman, an OB/GYN at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. Pregnancy tests detect these HCG levels, which somewhen driblet off. In fact, Hoffman told LiveScience, a pregnant woman 36 weeks along can take a urine exam for pregnancy and accept it come dorsum negative because her HCG levels are no longer and so loftier.

2. What first-trimester fatigue feels like:

Even more mutual than morning sickness, simply less heralded, is first-trimester fatigue, Hoffman said.

"Everyone gets ungodly tired," she said.

This can be tough for partners or friends to empathize. A woman doesn't look meaning yet (and may not have shared the news), but often feels as worn-down as she will throughout the entire pregnancy.

"The first trimester, I would feel fine one minute and the side by side second I would feel as if I hadn't slept in a week," Nelson said. Chores like cooking dinner or going to the grocery store felt similar running a marathon, she added.

Running a marathon is a fair comparison, Hoffman said. Fatigue in early pregnancy is probably caused by the extra piece of work a adult female'due south torso is putting into the pregnancy.

"When the sperm and the egg meet, everything becomes so metabolic," she said. Fortunately, the fatigue typically lifts by week 12 or 13 of pregnancy.

iii. What growing breasts experience similar:

Blossoming breasts are another pregnancy symptom. Some of the growth is caused by extra fat deposits laid downwardly past the trunk in apprehension of gestation and nursing, Hoffman said; the rest is hormonally driven growth of the mammary tissue that will produce and deliver milk to the baby. Breasts often offset swelling long before the baby bump, probably to ensure that a baby born early on may be able to breast-feed, Hoffman said.

Unfortunately for partners, bigger breasts can exist a bit of a tease, Hoffman said, because they tend to ache.

"Information technology was painful," Nelson said. "It was like one of those things where if you blew on them, they hurt."

Hoffman said her early-pregnancy patients sometimes worry that the rapid chest growth they see in the first trimester volition proceed throughout the pregnancy. But they will stop growing, she said.

iv. What relaxing joints feel like:

I of the odder pregnancy sensations is that of the joints relaxing. Birth involves getting a baby's large caput through the pelvic opening. As part of this process, the trunk starts releasing a hormone called relaxin during pregnancy, softening the cartilage connection at the pubic os called the pubic symphysis. Relaxin isn't targeted at this joint in item, yet, so information technology can make the residual of a woman's joints feel loose and unstable, too.

Relaxin tin can lead to aching sensations in the pelvis and other loosening joints, but that's a expert thing, said Pamela Sailor, a California female parent of a ii-year-old. Sailor said she didn't observe any pre-delivery loosening of her joints (pregnant women, don't fright: this is a rare occurance). For Crewman that meant her contractions during labor were not only pulling open up her cervix at the head of the uterus, they were widening her pelvic bones. The resulting pain felt like the deep ache people with experience at the orthodontist might call up from getting their braces tightened.

"To me, that was so much more painful than whatsoever of the labor pains," Sailor told LiveScience.

5. What the weight gain feels like:

A adult female who is normal weight will generally gain 25 to 35 pounds (11 to 16 kilograms) during pregnancy. On average, about 7.5 pounds (3.iv kg) of that is the fetus itself, according to the Olson Center for Women's Health at the Nebraska Medical Heart. Another 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg) is the placenta. The breasts gain about a pound, and women usually add virtually 7.5 pounds (3.4 kg) in maternal energy stores, or fat. Another three.5 pounds (1.6 kg) is water weight, and three pounds (1.iv kg) is blood. Yes, pregnant women take more than claret — up to 50 pct more they did before pregnancy.

Related: 8 Odd Changes That Happen During Pregnancy

So what does that weight gain feel similar? It can be frustrating at first. Before women start obviously showing (at around 20 weeks for a starting time pregnancy), they may feel swollen and fat, or find their clothes don't fit.

Earlier pregnancy, the uterus is virtually the size of a pear and sits depression in the pelvis, Hoffman said. Past the time a woman is full-term, the organ weighs 12 to 14 pounds (v to 6 kg) and extends up to the ribcage. Unsurprisingly, that front-loaded weight gain can stress the lower dorsum and sometimes put pressure on the sciatic nerve, causing numbness and shooting pain downwardly the leg. The baby bump tin also arrive the fashion of everyday activities.

"When you try to bend over, it's like in that location is a tent pole propped between your pelvis and ribs keeping you from folding over plenty to attain your own shoes," Carol Millman, an beast trainer in British Columbia, wrote in an email to LiveScience.

6. What a infant kicking feels like:

Unlike agonized joints or daily nausea, the feeling of the fetus moving is a pregnancy side effect almost women welcome.

"Information technology kind of shows you lot that there'due south a footling peanut in there and everything else yous're going through is worth it," Nelson said, describing the "flutters" she felt 21 weeks into her pregnancy.

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At first, baby'southward kicks are easy to mistake for gas bubbles, but they gradually grow in strength into unmistakable jabs (often causing visible seismic activity on the woman's abdomen). Millman described the awareness as having a "purse of snakes inside your tum."

"And you are acutely aware of the fact that your belly has EARS because when loud noises happen it sets off the Pocketbook OF SNAKES," she wrote in an email.

7. What stretching ligaments feel like:

Betwixt 16 and 22 weeks of pregnancy, many women start experiencing round ligament pain, Hofmann said. Round ligaments are the anchors that run from the sides of the uterus downwards into the groin. The sensation is a sudden stabbing or twinge, similar to the ligament pain someone might feel if they coughing or sneeze hard, she said.

8. What contractions experience like:

Though many don't know information technology, significant women starting time having contractions at around 12 weeks' gestation, Hoffman said. These "practice" contractions are called Braxton-Hicks, and they're rarely painful. Instead it feels like the uterus is getting hard and tight, "like a basketball," Hoffman said.

In labor, contractions experience more like menstrual cramps that increase in intensity. A more than attainable starting point for men to understand the pain might be flexing a bicep and holding information technology for a long time.

"When you lot hold that flexion for a while, it starts to become crampy," Hoffman said. "That's kind of how it feels."

Contractions "weren't that bad," said Sailor, who decided against an epidural during her labor. "People brand information technology out where you're only screaming your head off. It wasn't that bad. You alive through information technology."

Related: Signs of labor: 6 clues babe is coming soon

10. What giving nativity feels like:

In the last stage of labor, when the baby'south head is in position, it presses against the muscles of the rectum. The result, Hoffman said, is the feeling of having to pass a "bowling brawl."

This awareness is unremarkably accompanied past an intense urge to push button.

"It was like a wave," Crewman said. "The beginning of information technology felt like it wasn't even a part of me."

Kat Khatibi, a wedding planner and photographer in Miami, Fla., had an emergency cesarean section to evangelize her now 2-month-old.

"Information technology felt like a whole agglomeration of pressure," Khatibi told LiveScience. The recovery was the most unpleasant function, she said. Equally with any abdominal surgery, it hurt to sit, stand and bend as the wound healed.

"It evens out, because it gave me a actually adept baby," Khatibi said. "She just doesn't complain."

Follow Stephanie Pappas on Twitter @sipappas or LiveScience @livescience . Nosotros're also on Facebook & Google+ . Original article on LiveScience.com

Stephanie Pappas

Stephanie Pappas is a contributing writer for Live Scientific discipline, covering topics ranging from geoscience to archaeology to the human brain and behavior. She was previously a senior writer for Live Science merely is now a freelancer based in Denver, Colorado, and regularly contributes to Scientific American and The Monitor, the monthly magazine of the American Psychological Association. Stephanie received a bachelor's degree in psychology from the Academy of Southward Carolina and a graduate certificate in science communication from the Academy of California, Santa Cruz.


Source: https://www.livescience.com/27979-what-pregnancy-feels-like.html

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